
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Your dream and Its Bright Connotation

Ubqari Magazine - November 2013

Solution to all problems:One of our male acquaintances comes to our house with a big book. I thought it is Quran but I hear that it is Bahishti Zewar. While turning the pages of the book, I see the pictures of us 3 sisters. The pictures move like they are on TV. In reality we are 3 sisters. Second dream: There is an egg in our cupboard and when I lift it up there was a movement inside. When I pressed it, beak of a chick came out. Then I saw a white chicken standing. When I put the egg under the chicken it broke and a beautiful healthy chick came out.  [Naureen Akhtar; Chiniot]

Connotation: Your dream narrates that if you decide to spend life with good deeds then all your requirements will be fulfilled with easiness and without tension. Same message is for the rest of the sisters. 

Lucky Life: This dream was seen by my maternal cousin ‘S’ with reference to me that they are in my village. One man has died and all the people are at his funeral and are taking him to the graveyard. There are women also. Then suddenly the man’s body changes into mine. When people put me into the grave, light spreads on my face. ‘S’ cries a lot and touches my cheeks. She feels my cheeks are very soft. My sister also saw a similar dream that I have been laid on the grave and my cousin ‘S’ sleeps on my grave. [S.A; Lahore] 

Connotation:  According to your maternal cousin dream, GOD willing, there will be barkat in your age. You will get to repent and have an inclination towards pious deeds. You should keep on doing charity according to your will and position. 

My wish came true: When I took Istikhara for my marriage, I saw my cousin ‘U’ who likes me. He is sitting in our house and the table is set. My sister asks him to eat and passes rice to him. (Then she did istikhara for me and saw) that my cousin is lifting a big basket of sweet-meat and he is saying my wish has been fulfilled.  [Rabia; Sahiwal]

Connotation: Allah’s guidance that you have taken indicates that if you marry here then you will lead a relaxed and happy life. You should recite 21 times YA JAMIO YA BADEE-O  یَاجَامِعُ یَابَدِیْعُ  after every prayer.

Veiled cousin: One of my cousins who like to wear veil and even does not come in front of me. I always saw her in dreams without veil. I saw at night that she is saying her prayer and I am offering prater behind her. Before starting her prayer she asked me to say the prayer as well. Actually she regularly says namaz but I try to say namaz regularly. Since the day she has started to wear veil she come without veil in front of me in my dream. My age is 19 years old and she is 21. [Muhammad Saleem; Karachi]

Connotation:  There is indication in your dream that the way your cousin has started to say prayers you will also follow the religion closely. You should keep your relation with some pious and dedicated old saint.

Istikhara for Marriage: I love a boy and when I did istikhara about him, I didn’t see any dream that night. Next night I saw a dream that I am sitting on black dust. But then a girl throws white dust on me. On all my body there are common pins. I can only see common pin on my face, hands and feet. On my right hand the pin is not deep but left hand has common pin till deep inside. When a man takes out a pin, I feel pain. He says this is acupuncture. It will remove all the pain. Actually my mom is very tense due to my marriage. [H; Rawalpindi]

Connotation:  According to the dream, you should drop the idea where you want to get married as it would be difficult for you and you will face tensions.

Successful Second Marriage: I wanted to ask you that how is it to see henna on the back of one’s hand not on the front side? Because when I earlier saw henna on my hand then I was engaged and got henna just like that in reality. Then I was married and after 8 years my husband left me by saying that it was my mother’s choice not mine; even though we had two children. Now I have seen henna again at the back of my hand but the front design looks more beautiful and amazing than back design. The henna has dried and has shed from few places and has left dark orange color. I am very scared due to this dream.  Will my second marriage also fail like my first marriage? [Muskaan; Sheikupura]

Connotation: your dream says that your second marriage will be successful Insha Allah and you will be bestowed with alot of happiness and affection from busband.

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